Stock valuation calculator
Figure out what the 'fair value' for a stock is
Capital Investment
Property Calculator
Analyze any real estate investment in seconds
Capital Investment
Build a Tech Stack that accelerates your fundraising journey
Capital Investment
Startup Idea Generator
Generate or refine your idea in a structured way for success
Capital Investment
Earn, count, spend, invest
Capital Investment
Valuation Calculator
Sensitivity analysis and financial valuation calculator
Capital Investment
Best free envelope-like budget tracking app for web
Capital Investment
Financial and Business Model Template
Simple and powerful financial model template for startups
Capital Investment
Easy Business Case Calculator
5 Yr Financial Plan & IRR Tool
Capital Investment
Visualise Money Streams
Personal finance and wealth management application.
Capital Investment
Wait for Wealth
Encourage people to start investing in a playful way
Capital Investment
Investment Calculator
A beautifully simple retirement calculator
Capital Investment